The Internet and personal computing technologies promise to
change the way we work, play and even run the world.... and right now, it
can change my hair. Review the candidates for my new look for 1995, and
then make your choice and submit your vote at the bottom of the page. The
future is upon us, and my hair is in your hands.
I will continue to accept votes until the end of April, 1995, at which point I will commit my coiffure unto the
collected wisdom of the Internet (God help me).
Your coiffurial candidates are:
Ken Klassic
Nonconformity is important in this modern world of ours, as any
major fashion magazine will tell you. Ken Klassic features the flowing
locks that say "Hey! Look, I don't have to buckle under to the image
dictates of soul-less corporate culture" and the full but neat beard so that
Ken Klassic doesn't look quite like all the other non-conformists who
are likewise
busily not buckling under to said culture. Navy blazer and neat-print tie
included for that hedging-my-bets look.
New Fresh-Look Ken
Fresh-Look Ken is designed to appeal to the younger crowd. Our
demographic research indicates that facial hair is intimidating to
young people
aged 15-22 and that long, flowing, auburn tresses cascading over the
shoulders in a riot of natural curls is dangerously irritating to women
aged 17-30. Fresh-Look Ken features a neat, inoffensive, wash-and-wear
hairstyle and smooth-as-a-baby's-bottom cheeks (razor burn and
shaving cuts included). Here's a look
you could bring home to Mom and maybe even give a lucrative contract to.
Kompromise Ken
Can't decide whether you prefer "well-heeled hippy" or "snappy
Then maybe your choice should be Kompromise Ken. This one's quite popular
with the soap-opera crowd, our surveys tell us. The short, neat
hairstyle won't worry the old folks, and the trim-yet-rakish beard can be
brushed into a
little point for just that subtle hint of nonconformity. If you can't
quite decide, pick the look that can't quite decide either: vote
Kompromise Ken!
...and now, make your voice heard